Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock (Kinky Version)

Published on 16 December 2024 at 09:03

For those of you unfamiliar with the game in the title, please take a couple of minutes to watch this video from the show "Big Bang Theory". It explains it well.

The fresh coat of polyurethane on the cross glows in the dim light of the candles decorating the room. I stand, checking the bonds as she tests them in her own way, pulling and struggling against them. The bonds hold fast. I trace my hand down her, feeling the anticipation coiled in the muscles within. I assure her forearms and hands are free for the game we’re about to play. The scent of lavender and jasmine from the essential oil burner begins to fill my nostrils as I take stock.

“Ready?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

A nods, excitement clear in her eyes.

“We’re going to play a little game tonight,” I begin, as I pull out one of my thin rattan canes and one of the remote-controlled vibrators that I bought for her. “Do you remember the game Rock, Paper, Scissors?”

I wait for her nod before continuing.

“Good. We’re going to play a variation on that which was made famous by a TV series. It’s called Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.”

Unsurprisingly, her eyes light up. She is a SciFi/fantasy geek like me, so of course she knows of *Big Bang Theory*.

“Do you remember the rules?”

“No,” she responds, sounding crestfallen. I smile in reassurance and review them with her.

“We’re going to play a best of 7. If you win…” I hold up the vibrator, indicating it would be a pleasurable experience. “If I win…” I hold up the cane, indicating a series of impacts - pain.

A nods once more. “I’m going to kick your ass.” The determination clear in her eyes and voice. I smile, letting the challenge slide by. Every scene is a challenge and a fight, this would be no different. The competitive spirit in her thrills me. The secret, of course, is that either way, we both win.

I reach down between her legs, massaging her sensitive folds, feeling her clit harden under my touch. A moan escapes her lips as she opens up for me to slip the vibrator inside. I assure the vibrating head is in the perfect spot before stepping back.

She raises her fist in preparation as I raise mine. Three fist pumps and the first round is complete. She chooses paper, her hand slightly shaking as it lays out flat. She glances up at my balled fist in triumph.

My response is immediate. I push the button on my phone, activating her vibrator. The result is instantaneous, and I watch in delicious anticipation as her back arches and she moans. I spent a few moments changing pulse patterns and vibration levels before I shut it off.

“Ready for round 2?”

She nods and we once again raise our fists. This time I choose Spock and her quiet “Yes!” tells me before I look that her hand is flat once more.

This time A orgasms, and I watch in delight as her body spasms and she cries out as her explosion rocks her, leaving her breathing hard. I give her a moment, lightly caressing her jaw before trailing down the front of her body.

“Green?” I inquire.

“Green” comes the response.

I raise my fist and away we go once more. This time she lands on rock and I hit Spock. I see the defeat in her eyes change to determination as I pick up the cane, testing its flexibility. My first strike lands across the top of the front of her thighs and I hear her yelp in surprise and pain before I land several more strikes in quick succession down the front of her thighs, painting a quickly fading tattoo of red lines.


“Green” she says in affirmation and we are off again.

The game progresses, trading blows and vibratory pleasures until we reach the last round, tied 3-3.

I watch her fist come up, ready for the final game. Instinct takes over and we show our final hand; I chose the lizard and her fist comes down with rock. Her triumphant smile tells me all, and I quickly hit the button on my phone, anxious to tear that smile off her face by any means necessary.

Her orgasm tears through her and I linger on a high rate of vibration for a moment, pulling the rest of her orgasm out of her. I reluctantly shut it off and step forward, embracing her tight, feeling her body tremble in my arms. We spend a moment lost in embrace, enjoying the closeness and sensuality. Then I feel her head tilt up to look at mine. I look down at the glimmer in her sapphire eyes.

“Best of 11?” She inquires, the determination still clear in her eyes.

A's comment upon reading: "This is still one of my favorite games to play. I like the anticipation of not knowing what is next."

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